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Civility: Pass It takes on the issue of civility in a fun and yet thought provoking commercial. There are times when we all ought to consider taking a timeout before we say something we regret. Taking time to think and cool down often produces a much more productive and civil conversation.

The Heineken “Worlds Apart” Ad-- The Heineken “Worlds Apart” Ad Is a beautiful blend of beer and politics. See how two strangers with opposing views can prove that there’s more that unites than divides us.

Civility University--Robb Willer, a social psychologist, shares compelling research on value differences that provides short lessons to help foster civil conversations.

Convicted Civility: Must you sacrifice your convictions to be civil?--Richard Mouw shares how Christians can participate in the "school of public virtue" effectively.

Jim Leach: NEH Chairman Discusses Civility in Society-- In 2009, then National Endowment for the Humanities Chairman Jim Leach visited Samford's Frances Marlin Mann Center for Ethics and Leadership to speak at a forum titled "Civility in a Fractured Society."

Megan Phelps-Roper – “I grew up in the Westbrow Baptist Church. Here is why I left” -- Don’t let the title stop you from watching this insightful TED talk on civility in action. Megan Phelps-Roper shares details of life inside America's most controversial church and describes how conversations on Twitter were key to her decision to leave it. In this extraordinary talk, she shares her personal experience of extreme polarization. She invites us all to refuse to escalate; never let your perceived rightness justify rudeness.

Pastor Craig Beeker – “From Stranger to Savior” -- Pastor Beeker uses the Biblical story of the Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at Jacob’s well to show how important it is to go beyond demonizing the stranger to risk true dialogue. She responds to Jesus’ vulnerabilities with her own, asks increasingly insightful questions, takes time to understand, and lets dialogue transform her life and the lives of her community through her witness. As a result, Jesus went from stranger to savior. May we risk dialogue across our own divides.

Jonathan Haidt: Helps Us Find Moral Humility and Understand Our Contentious Society--Psychologist Haidt pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most and contribute to our contentious society.

Searching for Democracy: The Culture of Civic Conversation--Scott Shafer opens the forum on democracy and the culture of civic conversations with a look at contemporary American democracy and in/civility in civic conversation.

Agreeing to Disagree: A Look at Civility in Political Discussion--Donna Schenck Hamlin of the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy shares insights on how to communicate about politics in a way that promotes civility and understanding.

This Is Water--Author David Foster Wallace’s restates his commencement address to the 2005 graduating class of Kenyon College. Presented as a captivating short film, you hear some wonderful life advice. It challenges your default setting of “Me First” and makes room for other realities and different ways to make choices. He finds that real education has less to do with knowledge and more to do with mature awareness of differences.

Terry Paulson - "Integrity in Action" - Rotary Youth Ethics Conference-- Dr. Terry Paulson speaks to teens on "Integrity in Action: The Power of a Page" for the Homer Dickerson Youth Ethics Conference on March 2, 2017. Dr. Paulson uses research, compelling stories, and relevant humor to bring to life the importance of finding your ethical anchors before you are faced with life’s ethical challenges.

Interview February 12, 2017 from the Washington National Cathedral with David Brooks--David Brooks is a PBS and NPR commentator, Yale teacher, columnist, and author of “The Road to Character." Brooks discusses the balance between “resume virtues” and “eulogy virtues.”